My Projects

(In Chronological Order[Oldest to Newest])

Book Store

Book Store (Python)

This was a personal project created with python, to better help me understand how to create functions. The abilities of this project include buying new and old books and returning the total amount of money you spent. In short, a type of addition and calculator program.

Sunflower Charity

Charity (HTML & CSS)

The goal of creating this website was to help provide a better understanding to myself about divs and about css class names in HTML & CSS.

Nate's Website

Nate's Goodbye (HTML & CSS)

With no learning ideal for this project, it was made as a tribute to our old technical director as he took a new job with Triplebyte. Meant to bring a smile to his face whenever he sees it.

G.0.A.T Website

The G.O.A.T (HTML & CSS)

The goal of this project was to get our feet wet in learning HTML and CSS. For my G.O.A.T or "Greatest of All Time" Project, I chose Fred Astaire and this is how it turned out.

Unit Project

Ultimum Bellator (Python)

The goal of this project was to test our knowledge and understanding of the curiculum of Python that was provided for us. For this project I was paired with Dylan Shipton. Down below is a link to his portfolio. The project is a mix between a character creation, a battle arena, and a leveling system. This was really fun to create. It really tested my knowledge and my skills and provided a challenge for me.

Pokedex Website

Mock-Pokedex (HTML & CSS)

The goal of this project was to help us better understand using models and forms with standard HTML & CSS. My team(Rylee and Dylan) and I created a pokédex simulation, where it gives you all pokémon listed with an image of the pokémon and a description of that pokémon. You are also able to edit and create your own pokémon and add it to the database.

Django Chat Application

Django Chat Room

In order to test my skills using the freshly learned Django framework, I decided to use Models and forms to retrieve data and save it to the models to then be returned for the user to see. In this chatroom you are able to login, register, choose which room you'd like to chat to, read previous messages, and update your profile.

Javascript Counter

Counter (Java Script)

While Learning JavaScript I decided to try my luck with a counter, here is the CSS covered Javascript Counter, It can go up and down, but never below zero.


Mini-Minecraft (Java Script)

After gaining necessary skills in JavaScript, I decided to try my luck at recreating the beta version of Minecraft. In order to do this I had to figure out how to create the visual and 3D aspect of the standard Minecraft game. I used a few frameworks and a lot of googling. Coming out of the project I understood more than when I first went into the project.

Music Player Music List

Mp3 Player(Java, PostgresSQL, Android Studios)

With the learning of Java and PostgresSQL I decided to try my luck at creating a music player. The goal of this project was to test my skills in a new Source Code Editor, as well as create an app without ads that I could use on my own time.

Jazzy's Family Creations

Jazzy's Family Creations(Django, Heroku, VS Code, Python, HTML & CSS)

A client asked for a website where you could request an event and see booked dates, when requesting the event you're able to login and pay a deposit to book a date for your event.
